Sponsor a Child

Always at the core of everything CICA UK does is the principle of long term child sponsorship. Through the committed faithful giving of our sponsors over the years, hundreds of children have been educated, that would otherwise have had no opportunity.

Once they have finished their basic education many have advanced to higher education and training. Under our own auspices and in partnership with Starfish-Zambia we have opened doors for many students.  There are teachers, nurses, engineers and technicians working today, providing for their own families because of the commitment of sponsors over the years. Children that would have died, enjoying a full life because of the imagination and generosity of strangers.

The principle of sponsorship is partnership at its very best. Opening doors and creating hope, taking the opportunity to have a life changing and lifelong impact on children we may never meet but who will always know the impact of simple kindness and faithful love.

£25 – £30 per month will cover the basic costs of education for a child and give a family the helping hand and security they need, however any amount will make difference in a child’s life.

If you would like to sponsor a child in part or in full, please complete the form below, you will then be redirected to a direct debit form where you can enter your bank details.



Where would you like to sponsor a child from?

How much would you like to pledge per month?

Are you a UK taxpayer wishing to allow us to claim Gift Aid?