We need a plan…

We need a plan…

It’s Monday – the busyness of the weekend is over and we are getting into our stride. First things first, we need a plan! One thing we have become accustomed to over the years is that plans are mostly replaced by something else that comes up. Today it’s sorting the...
Lesa e Kacema Wandi…

Lesa e Kacema Wandi…

I find music very emotive. Songs, for me, have the ability to conjure up memories of days gone by, times and seasons that have passed and most certainly they remind me of people.  Abba and Lionel Richie will always be Ghana and Billy Joel will always remind me of...
In for the long haul

In for the long haul

It’s so good to have been back in Zambia for just about 10 hours.  So many familiar sights and sounds, it does seem as if we’ve never been away.  But we have been away for nearly two years.   As I reflected this morning as we emerged...